Legal Notice

Terms of privacy policy

Data provided by the user is collected and handled by an automated filing system owned by MACCHINA CP5 S.L. and is used for client relations in keeping with applicable legislation for personal information and in accordance with the stipulations of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December for the protection of personal information and addendums.

MACCHINA CP5 S. L. commits not to disseminate personal information provided by the user via any medium and further promises that its cookies will never be used to gather information which may be used to identify the actual web user.

Lastly, if the user should decide to exercise the rights stipulated in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, especially access, rectification, cancellation or opposition rights, the user should contact MACCHINA CP5 S. L. using the following email address:

or by mail:


C. Cabestany, 14